John Terrett, a longtime television reporter, was fired after telling someone to get out of his shot on the New York Stock Exchange floor, reports Charles Gasparino for the New York Post.
Gasparino reports, “For the past eight years, Terrett has been reporting for the US subsidiary of Beijing-based CGTN News, covering markets and the US economy. He does so from the NYSE floor.
‘That is, until this past Monday, after NYSE officials complained to his bosses on the mainland that Terrett had the cojones to tell someone — an NYSE employee, it turned out — to get out of his shot and do so fast.
“Again, such dustups are common, which the NYSE should fully understand, since TV is kind of what it does these days. Not a lot of trading occurs on its iconic floor at the headquarters on the corner of Wall and Broad streets in Lower Manhattan. Traders have been replaced by computers — and TV reporters. News organizations spice up their coverage of the markets with the NYSE’s mostly faux atmospherics.”
Read more here.